People Who Don't Scrape The Ice Off Their Car Before Driving Don't Deserve To Have Rights, Per Source

zlisjak. Getty Images.

If we're just chit-chatting here and being honest with one another, I think we throw "rights" around a little too willy nilly in this country. I just think it's a little short sighted to give everybody all of the rights. Everybody should be given their rights when they're born, but you should have to earn the ability to retain them throughout your adult life. 

One of the easiest ways to lose your rights should be if you're a slap dick who doesn't give a single thought to anyone else on the road before you take off on a winter drive in your car with an entire mountain of ice and snow still on top of it. You're driving down the highway and you have an avalanche trailing you as all the ice starts to fly off your car and crush everybody behind you. 

And listen, I get it. Sometimes you're running a little late for work in the morning. You think you don't have the time to wait there as your car warms up to defrost the ice off your windshield and brush off all the snow on top of your car. But it's 5 minutes tops. And instead of taking the 5 minutes to at least make an attempt to get the snow and ice off the top of your car, you decide that your 5 minutes mean more than anybody else who is driving a car that day. Little fun fact about America, but we are addicted to cars and everybody drives. So you think you have the most important 5 minutes in the world. 

It's the same thing as people who don't return their shopping carts to the corral at the grocery store. If you had a Venn diagram of people who don't return their shopping carts and people who don't at least try to get the snow off their car before driving, it would be one giant circle. And all of us can agree that those people suck. You shouldn't automatically get all of your rights if you suck as a person. Maybe you can have some of them, but definitely not all. 

At the end of the day, all you really need to do to be a decent person is try. Try to return your shopping cart, try to get the snow off your car, try to be a nice person. As long as you put in a little effort, you're not an absolute sack of shit of a human being. But if you don't even try? Well there just needs to be a way to either punish or humiliate these people until they prove they can be anything other than an asshole. 


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